Swift Around the Web


Random Cool Stuff

In Case You Missed It

Refactoring to:

As it's getting closer to WWDC, I've been thinking a lot about the final things I want to learn in the "downtime" until everything changes and I get overwhelming with all the new things. I decided to focus on improving my Refactoring / Architecture Design game by reading Refactoring to Patterns (affiliate link). I'm blogging about the parts I like:


Swift Evolution

Swift Code

  • Cacao - Pure Swift Cross-platform UIKit (Cocoa Touch) implementation (Supports Linux)
  • expanding-collection - ExpandingCollection is a card peek/pop controller
  • LeeGo - Declarative, configurable & highly reusable UI development as making Lego bricks.
  • Scrollable-GraphView - An adaptive scrollable graph view for iOS to visualize simple discrete datasets. Written in Swift.
  • MessageKit - Eventually, a Swift re-write of JSQMessagesViewController. Good project to start contributing to if you're looking to get involved in a popular open source project at the start!
  • EPSignature - Signature component for iOS in Swift

Swift ThoughtsSwift Thoughts

Last week, in an initial attempt to redesign the try! Swift NYC website, I got ambitious and wanted to do it in Swift. I tried out Vapor and was pleasantly surprised by how simple it was to follow their documentation to launch a "Hello, World" program onto Heroku. It was seriously amazing!

But in the end, I found the server-side Swift ecosystem a bit too distributed and hard to figure out the answers just by Googling - which is expected at this point. And of course, it requires Swift 3.0, which is not out yet.

I ended up leaving my site redesign to an expert who pointed out that it can be done as a simple static page, so nothing fancy was necessary. Still, feeling the future was magical.

Thanks to all the devs out there making server-side Swift a reality 👏
