Swift Around the Web


Apple News

Other Cool Stuff

In Case You Missed It

Slides from my Practical Protocol-Oriented-Programming (POPπŸ’₯) talk are up! And here are the detailed write-ups:




Swift Evolution

Swift Code

  • nsdateformatter.com - Source code for nsdateformatter.com. Built with Swift using Frank & Stencil. Hosted on Linux.
  • SwiftTweaks - Tweak your iOS app without recompiling! Blog post here.
  • Fusuma - Instagram-like photo browser and a camera feature with a few line of code in Swift.
  • Marklight - Markdown syntax highlighter for iOS
  • Ramotion - PaperOnboarding is a material design slider
  • Sentiments - Sentiments is an iOS app written in Swift that analyzes text for positive or negative sentiment.


Swift ThoughtsSwift Thoughts

So I tried Gboard, Google's new iOS-first keyboard that includes Glide Typing and emoji searching, and actually liked it! That is, until I needed to change the curser position on a tweet I was so masterfully composing...

I tried to force-touch as I do on the Apple Keyboard to move the curser, but nothing happened. I was so frustrated by this, I had no other choice but to tweet about it! Luckily, some nice people on Twitter pointed out that I could actually swipe from right to left on Gboard's space bar to do this and it works well enough (no vertical or selection functionality though).

The point is that as we add these secret force-touch or swiping gesture to apps, they become super hard to discover. However, one thing I heard from someone is that teens like the secret gestures because it makes them cool to know them - that's one of the reasons Snapchat is so popular among teens.

All I know is that I wouldn't have discovered Gboard's spacebar gesture without someone explicitly telling me about it, but I wouldn't want a tutorial about it either. Maybe word of mouth about these features is not the worst thing πŸ€”