Swift Around the Web


Other Cool Stuff


Swift Evolution

Functional Voodoo

Swift Code

  • swift-project1 - Technical exercise to evaluate Swift as a systems programming language
  • DisplaySwitcher - Custom transition between two collection view layouts
  • TextAttributes - An easier way to compose attributed strings
  • Pulsator - Pulse animation for iOS
  • BCColor - A lightweight but powerful color kit (Swift)
  • DynamicButton - Yet another animated flat buttons in Swift

Other Platforms

Swift ThoughtsSwift Thoughts

I cannot be more excited to announce another try! Swift - this time in New York City on September 1st and 2nd!!!!! For those who have already seen my announcement on Twitter, I'm thrilled to announce three additional speakers: @griotspeak, @danielpunkass, & @natashasgodwin! More awesomeness to come 😊

My favorite part of organizing the first try! Swift in Japan was the magical feeling of our new and growing Swift community. The cool part about Swift being so new and always changing is that we're more open-minded to learning from each other. And there is so much to learn! From so many people! In fact, all the speakers at try! Swift NYC will be different from the ones at try! Swift Japan. I really wish I could bring in even more speakers - there are just so many people I want to learn from!

So no matter what level you are at in programming, iOS, or doing Swift in particular, I hope to see you at @tryswiftnyc πŸ€“πŸ’–πŸŒŽ
