Swift Around the Web


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Swift Evolution

Swift Code

  • URLNavigator - Elegant URL Routing for Swift
  • EPShapes - Design shapes in Interface Builder
  • STLocationRequest - An elegant and simple 3D Flyover Location Request Screen in Swift
  • vapor - Elegant web framework for Swift that works on iOS, OS X, and Ubuntu.
  • fluent - Simple ActiveRecord implementation for Swift
  • Charter - A Swift mailing list client for iPhone and iPad

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Swift ThoughtsSwift Thoughts

A few weeks ago, while traveling, I lost my Apple Watch 😰. And it ended up being a few weeks before I was able to get a new one. In those few weeks, I was surprised by how much I missed my ⌚️. But I think the opposite of this picture of the future is exactly why I love my Apple Watch so much.

The future I want is one where I'm free to be present in the moment. As a full-time digital nomad, I'd like to walk around and enjoy the exciting and foreign surroundings I'm currently in, all while working at the same time.

In those few weeks when I no longer had my watch, I was tethered to constantly checking my phone - either to stare at Maps to make sure I didn't miss a turn or double check that I'm not missing any important messages as I'm planning an international conference that's now only a week away! As a result, I missed enjoying the present moments I was in.

It was amazing to put on my newly acquired Apple Watch again, and feel layers and layers of stress I didn't even realize I was carrying just melt away. My ⌚️ will notify me when something important happens. Meanwhile, I'm free to enjoy the present moment πŸ„.
