Swift Around the Web


Apple News


I personally got into iOS development because I love working with smaller screen sizes. The same goes for the Apple Watch - I love an even smaller screen size!

So while the new tv opens up a ton of opportunities for iOS developers and it sounds really cool, I will personally continue focusing on the smaller devices. If you'd like to learn more about tvOS, make sure to subscribe to other resources out there! I'm sure there will be plenty :)

That said, here are a few resources I enjoyed looking over right after the announcement:


Other Cool Stuff

In Case You Missed It



Swift Code

  • TKSwarmAlert - TKSwarmAlert Animated alert library like Swarm app.

  • DGRunkeeperSwitch - Runkeeper design switch control (two part segment control)

  • GEOSwift - The Swift Geographic Engine.

  • RateLimit - Simple utility for only executing code every so often.

  • DAExpandAnimation - A custom modal transition that presents a controller with an expanding effect while sliding out the presenter remnants.


Swift ThoughtsSwift Thoughts

Last week, I had the pleasure of attending, speaking, and running a Power Swift workshop at iOSDevUK in the beautiful town of Aberystwyth. Yes, I did get to ride that magical steam train in the picture!!!

For those who were unable to attend, I love this post summarizing the biggest take-aways from the conference from @oliverfoggin. Everyone has bad code, Everyone is doing it wrong, Done is better than perfect, Everyone struggles, Get to know your toolkit, Go your own way, Never stop learning, Someone can learn from what you know, You’re not alone.
