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Swift Evolution

Swift Code

  • Express - Swift Express is a simple, yet un-opinionated web application server written in Swift
  • Advance - A powerful animation framework for iOS.
  • TryParsec - Monadic Parser Combinator for try! Swift
  • Cichlid - automatically remove the current project's DerivedData directories
  • FolioReaderKit - A Swift ePub reader and parser framework for iOS.
  • boom.swift - fun boom effect for your Mac!


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Swift ThoughtsSwift Thoughts

My current feelings can be summarized in one beautiful Japanese word: γŠη–²γ‚Œζ§˜γ§γ™ (pronounced Otsukaresama desu). It translates roughly to something like "You look tired" - but from what @gillygize explained to me, instead of being offensive, it means you've given the task everything you've had and are honorably tired as a result.

That is exactly how I feel after very successfully putting on my very first conference ever... in Japan... in two languages... for 500+ attendees ... from multiple countries such as Australia, Ukraine, Italy, Russia, The Netherlands, Lebanon, India, Romania, Taiwan, South Korea, Philippines (26 students flew in just for the conference!) & more!

I'll write more about #tryswiftconf on my blog in the next few days, but it was a completely magical experience to facilitate the creation of a very international Swift community! I cannot be more proud of everyone who organized it (γ‚γ‚ŠγŒγ¨γ†γ”γ–γ„γΎγ™ @k_katsumi, @tasanobu, @cjwirth & everyone else!) , spoke, attended, and helped us all communicate across cultures and languages.

As @jesse_squires so beautifully put it in his try! Swift talk on Contributing to Open Source Swift - Swift is more than a programming language, Swift is a community πŸ€“πŸŒπŸ’–
