Swift Around the Web


Apple News

Apple has officially sent out invites for the March 9th "Spring Forward" Event! WATCH WATCH WATCH WATCH WATCH WATCH!!!!!!!!!!


Random Cool Stuff

In Case You Missed It



Swift Code

  • LumaJSON - A super simple JSON helper for Swift. Also take a look at how you can parse JSON library-free

  • Cherry - Mini Pomodoro Timer app designed for the  Watch. Written in Swift.

  • Pulsar - A versatile solution for displaying pulse animations as known from Apple Maps.

  • ZMaterialDesignUIButton - Swift Material Design UIButton

  • JMEasyTouchID - TouchID used easy on one line in your ViewController.

Swift ThoughtsSwift Thoughts

I get asked a lot whether I like Objective-C or Swift better. My answer is that they're different. When I'm coding in Swift, I'm thinking of how to best approach the problem in Swift, not how I would approach the problem in Objective-C and translate to Swift.

I do find Swift to be harder than Objective-C if I had to compare. That's because Swift has more ways of doing things and I'm still learning and experimenting, especially when it comes to functional programming concepts. The fact that Swift is harder for me does not bother me - I love the challenge and learning that comes with it.

Anyway, just wanted to write this note as a follow-up to @redqueencoder's defense of Swift for those who are more negative on Swift out there. Oh yeah, and I do love coding in Swift.

Happy Learning!
