Swift Around the Web


Random Cool Stuff


Swift Evolution

Swift Code

  • AnimatedCollectionViewLayout - A UICollectionViewLayout subclass that adds custom transitions/animations to the UICollectionView without effecting your existing code.
  • Attributed - A Modern interface for attributed strings.
  • Quick-Chat - Real time chat app written in Swift 3 using Firebase
  • Dotzu - iOS app debugger while using the app. Crash report, logs, network.
  • SJTwitterTagInputTextView - SJTwitterTagInputTextView is a subclass of UIView, written in Swift, that enables the UIView to use as the "#" and "@" tag input view with suggestion list.
  • SnapchatCheckbox - A Snapchat-inspired checkbox.

On Open Source

Swift ThoughtsSwift Thoughts

This week, I finally got a LINE friend (yay Japan!) and I was completely fascinated by the Sticker / Emoji UI of showing multiple relevant stickers right there as you're typing in a non-intrusive way. I'd love to see Apple do something similar to the current iMessage Sticker UI - I love stickers, but they're so painful to use 😭
